Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Online cats tutorial


1. Care of Your Cat

Do you have a new cat or kitten and need help learning to care for cats? An older cat with health problems? Here is help in caring for young kittens, growing cats, and older cats.
Before you Get Your First Cat
Caring for a Kitten from Birth to One Year
The Maintenance Years
Senior Cats Deserve Golden Years
Care of a Pregnant Cat
Cat Breeds
Cat Food & Nutrition
You and Your Cat

2. Before you Get Your First Cat
Getting a cat for the first time involves a lot more than just picking one out. Cats are not necessarily the self-sufficient creatures some people think, and you need to be take several things into consideration before making the monumental move of sharing your home with a cat.
Do Your Homework First
Top Mistakes of New Cat Owners
How to Cat-Proof Your Home
Shopping List for Your First Cat
Your First Cat Online Tutorial
Cat Care FAQs
Glossary of Feline Terms

3. Caring for a Kitten from Birth to One Year
With these articles, I've given you all the tools you need to ensure that your kitten gets the very best care you can give her. From birth to one year, you will learn how to groom her, feed her, and play with her. All of these activities are bonding experiences, and your reward will be a lifetime of devoted companionship with your cat.
Introducing Your New Kitten to Your Home
The First Six Weeks
Your Kitten's First Year
Kitten Food 101
Kitten Care Online Tutorial
Kitten FAQs

4. The Maintenance Years
Although some breeds of cats, such as Maine Coons, do not reach "adulthood" until after two or more years, most cats can be considered adults after one year. By now you will know your cat's basic personality, his likes and dislikes. (Believe me, he'll let you know.) Bonding continues to be important, and your continued good care will strengthen your cat's trust in you, which is vital to your relationship.
Keeping Cats Safe
Glossary of Feline Terms
The Costs of Responsibility
The Feline-Human Bond of Love
Playing With Your Cat
Top Things a Cat Needs for Survival

5. Senior Cats Deserve Golden Years
Much like human senior citizens, geriatric cats need a bit more attention and help from their caretakers in order to enjoy the quality of life they deserve.
Reasons to Adopt an Older Cat
Optimizing Your Senior Cat's Health and Well-Being
The Comfort Factor
Online Class: Care of Your Senior Cat

6. Care of a Pregnant Cat
Whether your female cat slipped out and the result is an "oops" litter, or a pregnant cat presented herself (or was dumped) at your door, you may need help with managing her pregnancy. This section covers the gamut of reproduction in cats, from the act of mating to helping with the birthing process and even help in finding permanent homes for the resultant kittens.
Mating and Conception in Cats
Cats' Mating Habits Quiz
HELP! She's in Heat!
Signs a Cat is Pregnant
Online Class: Care of a Pregnant Cat
FAQs: Pregnancy, Birth, and Reproduction

7. Cat Breeds
The world of cats is a fascinating study in history, and it is no wonder that people flock to cat shows to see an infinite variety of cat breeds. Learn more about the profiles and history of cat breeds, as well as the role of genetics in color patterns.
A to Z Cat Breeds
Cat Breed Photo Galleries
Tips for Purchasing a Pedigreed Cat or Kitten
The Wild Look in Cats
Breed Rescue Organizations
Coat Color Patterns and Types
Cats Picture Quiz
The Glorious Tabby
Black Cats Folklore
Hemingway Cats - Polydactyls
Breed of the Week Email Course

8. Cat Food & Nutrition
"You are what you eat" is just as applicable to cats as to humans. I firmly believe that next to regular veterinary care, nutrition is the most important facet of a healthy, long life for cats. Tools are provided here for learning to read and understand cat food labels, along with articles, cat food reviews, and my suggestions for the best cat foods.
The Importance of Food to Your Cat's Health
The Case for Raw Feeding for Cats
Before You Buy Cat Food
How to Choose Cat Food
Canned Cat Food as a Staple
Canned Cat Food Recommendations & Reviews
Dry Cat Food Recommendations & Reviews
Cat Food FAQs
Cat Food Glossary

9. You and Your Cat
If you are like most other cat lovers, you consider your cat as a member of your family and already have developed a deep bond.
Bonding with another being, whether human or four-legged, soon evolves into a tapestry of intertwining souls. The unique bond between cats and humans is awesome to behold and even more incredible to experience. You may even be coping with cat allergies, but your cat's companionship is something you don't want to give up. There's help here, too, for that, so don't be discouraged.
Allergic to Cats?
The Feline-Human Bond of Love
Real Men Do Love Cats
Teach Kids to Bond With Cats
Simon and James
Patches - a True Story of the Paranormal Involving a Cat
The Telepathic Cat by Darren Zenko
Knowing When to Let Go
Dealing with Loss
Memorials to Special Cats
Memorial Gifts for Cat Lovers
Giving Thanks for Cats We Have Loved
Compelling Cases for Souls of Animals
The Quest For The Rainbow Bridge

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Funny Cats Skin Problem

Your Funny Cats Skin Problems.Online reviews
1. Feline Acne
Feline acne is a relatively common problem in cats. It often begins as 'plugs' of dark material around the hair shafts of the chin and lower lip. Some cats may have red, infected bumps, which can be itchy or painful. Most cats have the condition for life.

The symptoms can often be controlled with appropriate medications, but maintenance treatment may be needed to keep the symptoms from recurring.

2. Abscesses
Some of the most common causes of abscesses are bite wounds or other lacerations from fights. Abscesses may be located on any part of the body that has been wounded, especially the face, legs and base of the tail. You should take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.

3. Allergies
Flea allergies are the most common. Cats with a flea allergy are hypersensitive to the saliva that the flea injects when it bites. Fleas are easily visualized on a cat with a white coat.
Below is an example of lots of flea dirt.

One flea bite can set off an allergic reaction that can last for weeks. Loss of hair from scratching on the back above the tail is a common symptom.

Products are available in shops to kill fleas but vary in quality and toxicity. Consult your veterinarian for advice.In severe cases your veterinarian can provide prescription quality products.

Pollen and dust allergies also are common. Pollen allergies usually begin as a seasonal problem, but as time passes it is common that your cats problem can be present all year long.

This cat has an allergy that caused it to irritate the skin above its eye. Chewing the front paws and rubbing the face are common symptoms.

Food allergies are not as common, but if your cat is allergic to a certain ingredient in its diet, severe itching and scratching can result.

To test for a food allergy, your cat should be fed a hypoallergenic diet for three to six weeks. The diet must be individualized for your cat's specific needs to avoid preservatives, colourings, flavorings and foods your cat has eaten previously.

4. Ringworm
Ringworm (not a 'worm' at all)is a common fungus.Cats and kittens with ringworm will have areas where the hair is falling out, and the skin looks dry and scaly.

Your cat will need to be examined and treated by a veterinarian. The most accurate way to diagnose ringworm is by microscopic examination of the hair and skin or by growing the fungus in a special culture bottle.

Should your cat have ringworm, a series of anti-fungal baths, appropriate creams and ointments, and possibly oral medication will be required.

The most important try to identify your Funny Cats counds. By identifying the various sounds this funny cats make including the reasons as to why cats purrr, meow and yowl.Discover what a quiet cat could mean and identify the different emotions each sound could represent.

About Funny Cats Fact Reviews Online

About Funny Cats Pet.

A cats is a funny pets. A cat is a small, mainly carnivorous animal, felis catus, member of the family Felidae, popular as a household pet, and valuable for killing mice and rats.

Like other members of the cat family, the domestic cat has retractile claws; keen hearing and smell; remarkable night vision; and a compact, muscular, and highly supple body.

Cats possess excellent memory and exhibit considerable aptitude for learning by observation and experience. The natural life span of a domestic cat is about 15 years.

Your Funny Cats Fact:

**The word cat refers to a family of meat-eating animals that include tigers, lions, leopards, and panthers.

**ats have five toes on each front paw, but only four toes on each back paw.

**Cats have true fur, in that they have both an undercoat and an outer coat.

**Newborn kittens have closed ear canals that don't begin to open for nine days. When the eyes open, they are always blue at first. They change colour over a period of months to the final eye colour.

**Most cats have no eyelashes.

**It is a common belief that cats are colour blind. However, recent studies have shown that cats can see blue, green and red.

**A large majority of white cats with blue eyes are deaf. White cats with only one blue eye are deaf only in the ear closest to the blue eye.

**Cats with white fur and skin on their ears are prone to sunburn.

**A cat can jump seven times as high as it is tall.

**A female cat can have three to seven kittens every four months.

**The average life span of a domestic cat is 14 years. Neutering a cat extends its life span by two or three years.

**Many cats cannot properly digest cow's milk. Milk and milk products give them diarrhoea.

**The colour of the points in Siamese cats is heat related. Cool areas are darker.

**Cats bury their faeces to cover their trails from predators.

**Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.

**Besides smelling with their nose, cats can smell with an additional organ called the Jacobson's organ, located in the upper surface of the mouth.

**Cats have an average of 24 whiskers, arranged in four horizontal rows on each side.

**Retractable claws are a physical phenomenon that sets cats apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. In the cat family, only cheetahs cannot retract their claws.

**A cat can spend five or more hours a day grooming itself.

**In relation to their body size, cats have the largest eyes of any mammal.

**Declawing a cat is the same as cutting a human's fingers off at the knuckle.

**It has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat can lower one's blood pressure.

**If your cat snores, or rolls over on his back to expose his belly, it means he trusts you.

**Tomcats can mate at anytime, while queens can only mate during a period of time called heat or estrus. Heat occurs several times a year and can last anywhere from three to 15 days.

Your Funny Cats Behaviour and Health Common Problems

What is your funny cats behaviour and health problems. See online reviews

1. Your Funny Cats Common Behavior Problems
The most common feline behavior problems are inappropriate elimination (house soiling) and inter-cat aggression. Inappropriate elimination involves the cat not using the litter box for urine and/or feces. Inter-cat aggression often arises when another cat is introduced into the home without appropriate supervision and fighting occurs.

Ways to alleviate these cat problems include visiting a veterinarian and/or an applied animal behaviorist. They can provide education regarding normal feline behavior and provide information on the prevention of the behaviors.

To help with common cat behavior problems you have to consider to provide your funny cats with appropriate scratching material. You are olso have to ensure availability of a clean litter box with litter that the cat likes. Sometimes you need to provide a stimulating environment for this funny cats.

The list below was given as the greatest behavior problems in cats:
^ Clawing the furniture
^ Climbing on furniture
^ Eliminating in the house
^ Bringing birds/mice into the house
^ Fighting with other animals
^ Biting people
^ Destroying Household/personal items.

2.Your Funny Cats Common Health Problems

i. Panleukopenia or Feline Distemper
* Symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea.
* Action : ceek veterinary care.

ii. Respiratory Infections
* Symptoms: common cold symptoms,runny nose and wheezing.
* Action : consult a veterinarian.

iii. Distemper
* Symptoms: coughing and general weakness.
* Action : antibiotics and veterinary treatment.

iv. Fur Balls
* Symptoms: hacking, digestive problems and ulcers
* Action : home treatments,consult veterinarian.

v. Flesh Wounds
* Symptoms: profuse bleeding and severe cuts.
* Action : disinfect the wound and visit the animal clinic.

vi. Urine Problems
* Symptoms: straining and signs of pain when trying to urinate.
* Action :consult the veterinarian.

vii. Ear Mites
* Symptoms: head shaking and scratching
* Action : wash your cat's ears with mild oil and visit your veterinarian.

viii. Fleas
* Symptoms: skin rashes and increased scratching
* Action : pills and lotions.

ix. Worms
* Symptoms: eating problems, vomiting and worms in feces.
*Action : visit your veterinarian.

x. Ringworm
* Symptoms: hair loss and skin irritations.
* Action : ask your veterinarian.

Choosing your funny cats food

How to choose your funny cats food
As all cat owners know, a feline can be a wonderful addition to any family. One of the most basic aspects of cat ownership is proper health care for the cat. Health care for a cat encompasses a wide array of vaccine shots, flea protection, vet visits, medications, and even proper exercise. However, the most important aspect of your funny cats health is also often overlooked.
People spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your funny cats to keep it healthy, but most cat owners don’t pay nearly enough attention to choosing the right cat food. The right cat food is absolutely essential to a healthy, happy cat. But what is the best cat food for your cat?

While each cat will have slightly different nutritional needs, there are some general rules that must be considered when looking for cat food. First of all, cats (like their human owners) need a high quality diet. This means the best types of protein, fats, carbs, and the less preservatives and chemical additives, the better. Most of the research available online does not compare specific brands of cat food, as much as specific ingredients to feed your cat, and which to stay away from! Cats need a high protein diet. Wild cats are very carnivorous, and cats derive a great deal of their nutritional needs from protein.

House cats, while not wild, still have many of the same nutritional needs as their wild feline ancestors. So, the most important ingredient in any cat food is protein. Carbohydrates are also an important part of a cats diet, though not as important as protein. Cats really should derive the majority of their nutritional needs from protein, so cat foods that are high in carbohydrates may not necessarily be the best for them. Interestingly enough, many of the premium brands of cat food, such as Eukanuba and Innova offer exactly what most cats need, and aren’t necessarily more expensive in the long run. This is because high end cat foods need a smaller serving amount than the low end cat foods to give a cat all the nutrients they need to be satisfied and healthy. When comparing a premium brand such as Eukanuba, to a lower cost brand such as Purina, they cost difference for the recommended serving size is only a nickel a day.

Furthermore, because a cat will eat less of the high end cat food, their waste will be reduced. This can cut down on the frequency of litter replacement and litter box related chores. Another aspect of choosing the right cat food to be considered is the quality of the protein in the food. Because of the way many pet food companies describe the meat in the food, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what the difference between “chicken flavored”, and “chicken dinner” is. Food that contains “chicken meal” can only be made from the skin, flesh, and bones only. This is really the best type of protein for a cat. Food that has “meat byproducts” can contain nearly any animal parts, and are of lower quality than “chicken meal”. Food that is “chicken flavored” only has to taste like chicken, but may not contain any animal meat at all. Also, chicken is generally better than beef for cats. And it goes without saying, preservatives, as well as artificial colors, should be avoided whenever possible.

Although specific research is lacking on this subject, we do know that preservatives and artificial colors can have a negative impact on human health. It is only logical that cats will also be negatively affected by artificial colors and preservatives in their cat food. With the vast selection of cat food on the market, it is easy to be intimidated and just pull the cheapest variety off of the shelf. Just remember what’s good for your cat and read the labels. Always remember, a little research can go a long way when it come to the choosing the right cat food for the health and well being of your funny cats.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The basic care for your funny cats

How to care for funny cats
Cat is a funny pet. If you have a funny cats, how you take care of them. This reviews will help you to settle down your problem. Look what the expertis said.

Cats are great pets and some people think that if something is cute then they should have it as a pet. This article talks about the responsibilities of a cat owner and you can self evaluate if you are ready for a cat or not.

Step 1
Having a cat means that you have to be responsible for feeding, cleaning out its litter box. Cats are obligate carnivorous so they cannot survive on a diet without meat; their digestive system is very efficient at digesting meat not plant matter. Because of their diet, their feces are very stinky and require a very good odor absorbing litter. Even with a very good odor absorbing litter and a potty trained cat, the litter box still has a very unpleasant smell (personal experience).

Step 2

They also like to scratch. Make sure you have a scratching board or else your new leather sofa will be the cat’s scratching board.

Step 3
Cats are not very social in nature. So, don’t expect it to behave like your dog. Most of the time, it does not like to be bothered and will sleep by itself in the corner. When you offer it food is the only time that it will meow and rub itself against you. But each animal is an individual so some might have a more social nature. Cats are naturally shy and would try to avoid human contact if possible. But if you care for it from the time that it was a kitten, it will trust you and see you as its companion.

Step 4
5In petsmart or petco, they sell a certain kind of grass for cats to consume to help it regurgitate hair ball in the stomach. Cats love to clean themselves and may accumulate hair ball in their stomach over time.

Step 5
Keep household “poisons” away from your cats. These include painkillers, which is very toxic to cats, chocolates, insecticides, weed killers, and antifreeze.

Step 6
Cats love catnip; they will rub, lick and even consume it. So be carefull!