1. Feline Acne
Feline acne is a relatively common problem in cats. It often begins as 'plugs' of dark material around the hair shafts of the chin and lower lip. Some cats may have red, infected bumps, which can be itchy or painful. Most cats have the condition for life.
The symptoms can often be controlled with appropriate medications, but maintenance treatment may be needed to keep the symptoms from recurring.
2. Abscesses
Some of the most common causes of abscesses are bite wounds or other lacerations from fights. Abscesses may be located on any part of the body that has been wounded, especially the face, legs and base of the tail. You should take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.
3. Allergies
Flea allergies are the most common. Cats with a flea allergy are hypersensitive to the saliva that the flea injects when it bites. Fleas are easily visualized on a cat with a white coat.
Feline acne is a relatively common problem in cats. It often begins as 'plugs' of dark material around the hair shafts of the chin and lower lip. Some cats may have red, infected bumps, which can be itchy or painful. Most cats have the condition for life.
The symptoms can often be controlled with appropriate medications, but maintenance treatment may be needed to keep the symptoms from recurring.
2. Abscesses
Some of the most common causes of abscesses are bite wounds or other lacerations from fights. Abscesses may be located on any part of the body that has been wounded, especially the face, legs and base of the tail. You should take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.
3. Allergies
Flea allergies are the most common. Cats with a flea allergy are hypersensitive to the saliva that the flea injects when it bites. Fleas are easily visualized on a cat with a white coat.
Below is an example of lots of flea dirt.
One flea bite can set off an allergic reaction that can last for weeks. Loss of hair from scratching on the back above the tail is a common symptom.
Products are available in shops to kill fleas but vary in quality and toxicity. Consult your veterinarian for advice.In severe cases your veterinarian can provide prescription quality products.
Pollen and dust allergies also are common. Pollen allergies usually begin as a seasonal problem, but as time passes it is common that your cats problem can be present all year long.
This cat has an allergy that caused it to irritate the skin above its eye. Chewing the front paws and rubbing the face are common symptoms.
Food allergies are not as common, but if your cat is allergic to a certain ingredient in its diet, severe itching and scratching can result.
To test for a food allergy, your cat should be fed a hypoallergenic diet for three to six weeks. The diet must be individualized for your cat's specific needs to avoid preservatives, colourings, flavorings and foods your cat has eaten previously.
4. Ringworm
Ringworm (not a 'worm' at all)is a common fungus.Cats and kittens with ringworm will have areas where the hair is falling out, and the skin looks dry and scaly.
Your cat will need to be examined and treated by a veterinarian. The most accurate way to diagnose ringworm is by microscopic examination of the hair and skin or by growing the fungus in a special culture bottle.
Should your cat have ringworm, a series of anti-fungal baths, appropriate creams and ointments, and possibly oral medication will be required.
The most important try to identify your Funny Cats counds. By identifying the various sounds this funny cats make including the reasons as to why cats purrr, meow and yowl.Discover what a quiet cat could mean and identify the different emotions each sound could represent.
One flea bite can set off an allergic reaction that can last for weeks. Loss of hair from scratching on the back above the tail is a common symptom.
Products are available in shops to kill fleas but vary in quality and toxicity. Consult your veterinarian for advice.In severe cases your veterinarian can provide prescription quality products.
Pollen and dust allergies also are common. Pollen allergies usually begin as a seasonal problem, but as time passes it is common that your cats problem can be present all year long.
This cat has an allergy that caused it to irritate the skin above its eye. Chewing the front paws and rubbing the face are common symptoms.
Food allergies are not as common, but if your cat is allergic to a certain ingredient in its diet, severe itching and scratching can result.
To test for a food allergy, your cat should be fed a hypoallergenic diet for three to six weeks. The diet must be individualized for your cat's specific needs to avoid preservatives, colourings, flavorings and foods your cat has eaten previously.
4. Ringworm
Ringworm (not a 'worm' at all)is a common fungus.Cats and kittens with ringworm will have areas where the hair is falling out, and the skin looks dry and scaly.
Your cat will need to be examined and treated by a veterinarian. The most accurate way to diagnose ringworm is by microscopic examination of the hair and skin or by growing the fungus in a special culture bottle.
Should your cat have ringworm, a series of anti-fungal baths, appropriate creams and ointments, and possibly oral medication will be required.
The most important try to identify your Funny Cats counds. By identifying the various sounds this funny cats make including the reasons as to why cats purrr, meow and yowl.Discover what a quiet cat could mean and identify the different emotions each sound could represent.